Selena Baker
I have had my dog Taffy since I was 9 years old. She has moved with me across the country and has been a constant companion on many adventures. Through the quarantine, having my dog has definitely been a bright spot. My usual chores of walking her, feeding her, and taking overall care of her have taken on a new meaning. The daily routines are much appreciated in this time of change and chaos. The pandemic has definitely brought me new appreciation for my small furry friend.
Lindsey Brown
Stephen Brumant
It’s the year 2040. Many people are still quarantined. Missing the touch of their lovers and loved ones. The government passed a law where if certain people leave the house without a valid reason, you will serve one month in prison. Many people were scared of this, but there were still a few idiots who risked it. Everyone was required to take pills based on how strong their immune system was.
Erik, 19--The leader. Needs to be inspirational, needs to show she’s tired of the government keeping humanity inside, talks about color/class the most.
Kenji, 18. Sort of reckless, radical. Posts things that the government disapproves of. Comments on Erik’s and Miloe’s posts with things they could never say.
Miloe, 18. Non-binary, introverted but ready for change in their own way. A true artist that can feel their connection with nature. When outside they feel the most artistic, but don’t know why.
Liz Gomez-Peña
The boxed idea of femininity in society today. People tend to believe that femininity means being fragile, being delicate, sensitive but it’s actually about having emotion, being powerful and just simply being a woman.
Constant Search of Something More
The constant search of something more to do and to be while trying to live in a room in your house with nothing else to do but to find something to do. I’ve been in an art slump, so I draw to try and find more meaning in quarantine.
Sunflower Days
We are nearing the time when sunflowers bloom and to me they are usually the greatest days of the year. I was planning on going to see a sunflower field this summer but because of quarantine I won’t. The most beautiful days we have are spent separated and in our homes. Even so the sunflowers still bloom.
Eyes, Nose, Mouth
A quick study of the eyes, nose, and mouth. I’ve been practicing the features of the face because I’m afraid that if I don’t keep drawing I’ll forget.
“Reina” means queen in Spanish. As I was drawing her she didn’t really resemble any type of royalty to me and she didn’t have a name. I thought that she looked strong like a queen.
Cheeky Child
The feeling of standing still while everything around you seems to be in flames, but you can only watch the things around you. Falling apart yourself and decay. You feel like you can’t do anything about it.
Sunny House
Feeling like living above the clouds would feel more relaxing. Drawing this I wondered if living above in the clouds would be better because during quarantine my head is already up in the clouds. To look at everyone and see their small houses and cars, I wonder how much the world can change in a few months if I look from another perspective.